KemiKa ltd
Chimica Italiana Restauri
L. 626

Private Reinigung:
Apartments, Villas, Wohnungen.

Industrielle Reinigung:
Unternehmungen, Geschäfte, Büros.

Fassaden und Denkmale Reinigung mit hoch Qualität, garantierten Produkte.

Cleaning: not through simple detergents, but through removal of air pollutants and of acts of vandalism with PH controlled products, compatible with the nature of the stones.

Stabilization: necessary only for the materials that lost their natural cohesiveness characteristics.

Protection: a wide variety of water and oil repellent apt to satisfy multiple needs in the full respect of the materials (chromatic aspects, perspiration, modular characteristics).

Anti-scratching: a complete system for graffiti removal and for the protection against vandalism and illegal bill-posting.

Training: skilled technicians are available for initial training and technical assistance on the building site.

Consultancy: it�?Ts our most exclusive product.

  • Monobrush from 150 to 1000 revs
  • Monosweeper with or without conductor.
  • Motor or electrical pressure washers.
  • Aerial platform.
  • Video inspections with optical fiber from 80cm to 0.20 mm.
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